Friday, February 11, 2011

This Week's Topic: Rap

So our homie-g's, what do you think of rap these days? Do you think it has a good or bad influence on teenagers? (Considering the fact that most rap songs use language that is not appropriate in schools and some relgious facilities...:])


  1. Rachel-
    i do not like rap that much because i dont feel like i can sing along:) i think thatmost rappers have a bad influence on teenz

  2. Very true very true our wise freckled friend:)

  3. I agree with rachel, but for some rappers are slower than others. Oh and Liv + Jenn liking the fishies!
    Also, rap is supposed to be naughty and potty mouth...its that type of music..sorta haha
    LIV Holt my House <3

  4. hahaha:) nice liv. very cleann.....potty mouth:)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. they try so hard to be legit gangsters....

  7. It depends on the type of rap by diferent artists.

  8. I agree with Nate about the fact that kids think its cool so they talk the way their favorite rapper does. But how can we get kids to understand that bring a rapper may not be the life they desire?

  9. I like rap but i agree with 0LIvIa, rappers use fowl language and inapropriate sland that kids think are "cool" and they try to be gangsters and use it.

